
Please provide a detailed description of the product, its properties, and your specific requirements.

"I want to create a lightweight putty for both indoor and outdoor use, with a fast

drying time (45-60 minutes), high moisture resistance, easy application, and


Please here Upload your files if avaliable (e.g., TDS , starting formulation, General brochure, Msds)


starting formulation


From the next and at each step, there is an “Add More Details” option that allows the user to review or update the entered information.

STEP 3/12

Step 3: Preliminary Research and Approach Suggestions

Description: The AI conducts research and suggests possible approaches for synthesizing the product, aligning with the user's specified properties.

Great! Based on your selections, I propose the following approaches for synthesizing your product:

Please select the approach you'd like to explore further or let it as is

Use an acrylic polymer emulsion with lightweight fillers such as glass microspheres for lightness and strong adhesion.

Incorporate natural filler materials like perlite or vermiculite for environmental friendliness and improved filling properties.

Utilize biodegradable polymers or renewable materials as the base of the filler, enhancing environmental friendliness.

Use a silicone-based polymer to enhance water resistance and flexibility after drying, suitable for areas with high humidity.

Formulate the filler using a two-component system with a reactive acrylic resin and a hardener to achieve faster curing times and enhanced mechanical properties.

Add More Details and properties that you might need



Here is the basic formula. Could you please provide us with an estimated cost for each material?

The prices we’ve listed are based on general internet research, so they’re approximate. If any of these estimates don’t seem accurate, please feel free to make the necessary adjustments.

Material Type








Dispersing agent